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Showing posts from January, 2008

First Collage

Assalammualaikum and good day to all. This is my first collage. I learned this technique from CS photo school. From RE_TOUCH Click here to visit this school . .

Putrajaya: Late Evening to Night

Photo taken in Putrajaya. Enjoy From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA For more photo click HERE .

Cyberjaya Community Club


Oh Bulan..

From ADVICE Oh bulan, Ku ingin bersyukur sepertimu. Meminjam cahaya untuk menyuluh malam Tapi insan Meminjam kenikmatan, mencetus bencana. Sayang, jarang kita gunakan kenikmatan Allah pada jalan kebenaran. Lihatlah alam, jika semua nikmat digunakkan untuk kebaikan dan menturuti aturan Allah, pasti dunia ini tempat yang indah untuk semua. Nabi pernah bersabda: Sampaikan dari ku walaupun satu ayat.

From Bangi to Putrajaya

Assalammualaikum & Good Day. Photos taken in Putrajaya (most of the photos) and Bangi. Enjoy ;) From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA From PUTRAJAYA For more photo from this album click here

Annual Sport

All these photos taken during my company annual sport. From SATYAM_SPORT From SATYAM_SPORT From SATYAM_SPORT From SATYAM_SPORT visit my photo album for more photos

Organize your Photos

If you like to take picture, you may have some difficulties in managing your photo. Google had create a great software to solve this problem called PICASA. Picasa is picture manager for your pictures. When 1st time you install this software it will search all the images and video in your computer and organize it. I had help me a lot. I notice some of the pictures that was buried in my hard disk finally come out. These are the advantages of PICASA: Organize Photo Picasa help your to organize your photo. It helps you to organize your pictures based on timeline. That is not all, it also have editting tools for photo editting. Web Album Picasa provide 1G of space for your web album. You can create as many album that you wish in this album. It easy to navigate and easy to used. You will love it. :) Blogger If you are a blogspot blogger, your can directly publish photo into your photo using this software. There are more interesting things in this software. Happy exploring.... my photo alb...


From After_Rain Sometimes Allah send storm and heavy rain to us, but actually Allah want give us the beautiful RAINBOW. Life is filled with uncertainties. Sometimes we face hardship in life but it does not mean it is the end of our life. There will always something good waiting for us at the end of hardship. Insyaallah.. :) Allah had said in quran: Fighting (to fight intruders ) may be imposed on you, even though you dislike it. But you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. GOD knows while you do not know. [al-Baqarah: 216]. Kamu diwajibkan berperang (untuk menentang pencerobohan), sedang peperangan itu ialah perkara yang kamu benci. dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka pada sesuatu padahal ia buruk pada kamu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah jualah yang mengetahui (semua itu), sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui. [ al-Baqarah: 216 ].

Zoo Negara (National Zoo Malaysia)

Assalamualaikum and Good day. Photos taken during my visit to ZOO NEGARA (National Zoo Malaysia) From ZOO_NEGARA From ZOO_NEGARA From ZOO_NEGARA From ZOO_NEGARA From ZOO_NEGARA From ZOO_NEGARA Look carefully at this fish body, it has Allah word. Subhanallah. For more photos click here

Dark and Light

Assalammualaikum From MIRROR_ON_WALL From MIRROR_ON_WALL From MIRROR_ON_WALL for more click here There are always choices between good and evil, dark and light. It is the matters of choosing the correct choice. Prophet Muhammad pbuh had left us with Quran and Hadith as guidance in our life. Why choose other guides when we have the best guide and it is from ALLAH.

Self-criticism - Muhasabah Diri

From ADVICE Life is a journey that will end one day. Are we prepared for it? Muhasabah... Quran verse related to Self-criticism : On that day mankind will come in scattered groups (from their burial ground) to be shown their deeds (to be recompensed) .[6] Whosoever does an atom's weight of good shall see it (written in his record) .[7] And whosoever does an atom's weight of evil shall see it (written in his record) .[8] [Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake): 6-8] Pada hari itu manusia akan keluar dalam berselerak (dari kubur masing-masing)- untuk diperlihatkan kepada mereka (balasan) amal-amal mereka. [6] Maka sesiapa berbuat kebajikkan seberat zarrah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya). [7] Dan sesiapa berbuat kejahatan seberat zarrah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya). [8] [Az-Zalzalah (Gegaran): 6-8]