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Showing posts from February, 2008

The Broken Vase

Assalammualaikum & Good day, It took me one night and a bottle of glue to finish this puzzle. The result was not so good.... From other Title: Broken vase Broken vase on the floor Laying on floor Take the broken piece Put a little bit of glue Stick the pieces together It may be not the same but at least it is throw away Life is the same You will make mistake Take back all pieces left in life Glue it with wisdom and spirit But not to forget To pray to Al-Mighty One. You will see, the vase that was smashed into pieces Fill with roses. ... ... .

Scene along North South Highways


Sleep and Dream

Assalammualaikum. My computer clock showing 2.21 am but I still cannot sleep. Arghhhhhhh.... So to help me sleep, i try photoshop sleeping pills... From ADVICE From ADVICE From ADVICE SLEEP~~~~~ .

Election Fever

Assalammualaikum and Good Day. General Election is just around the corner. It is time for all politicians to become BUSY. It is the BEST time to make changes in our beloved country. So, do not forget to do your responsibility. VOTE. This picture is dedicated specially for Voters and those who at least register to become a voter :P. From other .


From ADVICE Mampukah kau tersenyum ketika yang lain meraung menangis ditimpa bencana? Adakah kau akan menangis melihat yang lain ketawa hilai bergelumang bisa dosa? Bilakah kau akan menjadikan tubuhmu benteng menghalang rembuhan kekejaman penindasan? Siapakah kau ketika bernyawa dalam tubuh seorang hamba? Tuan atau Khalifah-NYA? Ku sajikan persoalan ini kepada semua... Persiapan untuk KEMBALI. .